This weekend we had some family come up (down?) from Alabama so Saturday night we all went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and I made some delicious chicken enchiladas! There were like 6 of us in the kitchen cooking so we had the enchiladas, a green salad, a fruit salad, spanish rice, garlic bread, and a cake!! It was yummy!! After dinner we enjoyed some live music from the Nay Family Band (Our cousins/Aunt/Uncle) for a little over an hour and then we played some games! We played Scattegories, Apples to Apples, and a hilarious game with no name. At one point we were all laughing so hard we were crying and sniffling! Grandma ended up bringing in a tissue box and putting it in the middle of the table for us all to share. We all had a fantastic time and can't wait until the next time we get to hang out and play games together!
Trav spent the majority of the weekend over at his Grandma's doing finishing touches on the roof so I watched most of the game by myself at home. Kassi came over about halfway through and finished it with me. In the beginning I thought we had it made!! Two touchdowns in the first half, we were drivin it like crazy, Ravens couldn't do anything! It was awesome! Then after the half things went downhill!! Thank God we had enough of a lead to stay safe!! The last two seconds of the game depended on a field goal that the Ravens kicked. If they were to make it, they would have won by a point!! It was so intense!!! They missed it though, that's all that matters! So now, SIX and 0 for my boys!!!! They have not been 6-0 since 2003! This has been an awesome year so far! I'm so excited to watch them play their game each week, such a fun team! I suggest everyone jumps on the Vikings bandwagon right now. This shall be the year.
After the game Trey and I went to the park. I've been wanting to take pictures of the trees down here for a couple of weeks now! The seasons are changing and it is beautiful everywhere right now. Trey's also wanted to go to the park for a few weeks (I'm assuming) so it was a win-win situation!!

you messed up again. you said so no our boys are 6-0, it should say NOW our boys are 6-0. are you familiar with the word proofread? ;)
It was done on purpose :) I gotta give you at least ONE thing to catch!! I call that a job well done!
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