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Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We were a little late this year but we finally got together with a couple friends last night and carved pumpkins!! They all turned out good! Mine took like 4 hours so I was regretting the pattern a little toward the end, but it was worth it I think!



Kelly' love it!

All of 'em

Happy Halloween!!!

Cubicle decorations! (For Heather's viewing pleasure)

Every year we do a Halloween Cubicle Decorating contest where each team gets together (if they want) and decorates their cubicle. This year we didn't have as many as we've had in the past, but we had some really good, and way creative ones!! Enjoy!

Ready for this ghettoness? If not, please click the "x" in the top left corner of your screen.

Our handmedown TV finally went out last week! It was a sad day! She was good to us for like 5 years!

Well, Trav and I both have this thing about going to sleep without TV. It's basically impossible.

So, here is what we constructed.

After a few nights I couldn't handle it anymore so I went out and bought a new TV for the room. Well, actually I got a good deal on a TV so we put the new one in the living room and the old one in the bedroom. It's SO much better now :)

If you look closely in these pictures, you will see that I had to "re-create" the stand we used because either I forgot to take a picture of the actual one or I was just so excited to get rid of it that I didn't want, the new bedroom TV is actually in the pictures above.

You are lucky to have me today.

Because yesterday the heartache I almost had from thinking this-

-was a spider when it decided to crawl out from under my arm on my desk at work would have done some major damage. Luckily enough I only had a half heartache instead.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Snow and Pumpkins.

Salt Lake City had it's first snow fall of the year (in the valley) yesterday 10/27!! It's so exciting! I'm all about the weather change, especially in the beginning where it has been SO long since it has been cold or snowy! It just makes everything look so pretty! PLUS it means new clothes and sledding and skiing and hot cocoa and Christmas and decorations and lots of good stuff!! Yay for winter!

Speaking of decorations, we have cubicle decorating contests for Halloween and I was sitting in on a team meeting today where they were decorating pumpkins for their cubicle. Some brought real pumpkins and painted them, some used construction paper and drew their pumpkins and some cut out the eyes and mouths of their jack-o-lanterns. I didn't wanna feel left out so I made a little pumpkin for my desk :) It looked lots cuter when I envisioned it in my head but it'll do.

What is dedication?

For me, these pictures are two things:

1) Dedication.
2) One of the coolest things I've ever seen!!

(Another awesome thing about Idaho. It is known as the "Viking" house.) I doubt this will happen, but if you live there and you currently read, or ever come across and read my blog. I'm sorry in advance for being a stalker and parking in front of your house to take these pictures. I just couldn't pass that one up!

The ONLY lame thing about this "Vikings" house is I came across it last Sunday after watching the Vikings lose their undefeated streak. I will mention that they put up a great fight and I'm so excited for the season though. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I think this is the year!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekend in Idaho for Roman's 2nd birthday!

This weekend was Roman's second birthday party so I left Friday after work for an Idaho adventure!!

Never been to Idaho?

You should go. It's pretty fun.

Here are a few things that are Idaho "norm" but so different from the city. (These are all things from this weekend.)

1) Relatives walking into the birthday party a little late saying "Sorry we're late!! Our neighbors llamas got out and we had to get them to a safe spot before we could leave!"
2) Relatives next sentence- "Ben will be here shortly. As soon as he finishes with the hay."
3) Mari: "Mom, how many potatoes did you bring?"
Hilda: "A bucket." (There was really a big 5 gallon bucket full of dirt covered potatoes, fresh out of the celler!! YUM!
4) We get in the car to go to a friends house, buckle up..CROSS THE STREET, and pull into their driveway. It took less than 30 seconds.
5) I came home with a bag of potatoes that will last me almost forever.

The party turned out great!
Roman tried extremely hard and was successful in his efforts of making it almost impossible to snap a good picture. Most of them were of him being 'contained' to take a picture, which he obviously wasn't a fan of!

Some of them he decided to smile and then look elsewhere. (I think out of spite.)

Finally, he expressed his true feelings on taking pictures...

His sister, Presley, was much better at the picture taking game. She basically didn't have much of a choice!

When it was time to open presents, Roman wasn't all that excited at first, but that soon changed. He went from slowly unwrapping the paper...

To ripping it off to quickly find what was hiding under the paper! He got the hang of it pretty fast! After unwrapping his first present (This Tonka truck) he wasn't too excited about opening the other presents, he was mainly worried about play time with the truck!

After convincing him that there were more, equally awesome presents still to be unwrapped, he put the truck aside and eventually agreed. Every present got the same adorable reaction...

He got a T-Ball set which he tried out. In the house. A few times. He hit the ball every single time and only almost gave his mom a black eye once.

He was very excited about his music making guitar and long after he set it down, anytime he opened another toy that made noise, he would play the air guitar.

He was all about the SpongeBob cake and dove right in.

However, he wasn't too excited when he had to share with everyone else

Here is the cake pre-Roman! It was beautiful!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

To Wes and Kassi.

Dear Mr. Travis's Boss,

Trav said you would be out of town today so I figured I'd write you a letter to let you know how things at the shop are going. You know that saying...while the boss is away, employees will play? Well, I got your back and I'll inform you on things that have happened thus far.

Today started out just as any other day. Sort of. Travis jumped out of bed, woke me up and said "BABE! Get up, I'm running late this morning! We gotta go RIGHT now!!" So...I "jump" out of bed the best I can considering how freekin early it is.

I do the usual. Grab a drink, put on my slippers, and a jacket. (Oh, you don't care about that? Oh, okay. Fine.)

Well, we get in the car and rush to work. As you know, Travis is sure to be to work 10 minutes early each day because you know, that's how you like it. Today we pulled in and instead of being there at :50, it was :51. Sorry. We were a minute late.

As we are pulling in, we notice that no one else is there...? Weird? We thought so too. What a bunch of slackers, right? The boss leaves for one day and people just think they can show up on time or later, instead of 10 minutes early.

So, we wait around for someone to show up so I can leave and so Trav can get into the shop.

:56 comes around. No one.

:58, still no one. At this point, Trav starts to get a little worried and we start to talk about what would happen if no one shows up...(PS- he said he would wait until one of the engineers got there and knock on the door and just work by himself. That's one great worker you've got there, Wes.)

Then :59 comes around. It's now one minute before work starts and no one is there.

Now before you start to get upset, let me finish. As it turns out, you don't have a bunch of slackers working for you. Actually, as Travis is telling me I'm okay to go home and that he has faith in his coworkers that they are on their way, I look at the clock and say well babe...It's 7:00. They should already be here. This time, as I looked at the clock, instead of only focusing on the last two numbers, I looked at the hour as well. Turns out, it wasn't 7. It was only 6.

Yes Wes, I know it's a good thing to look at all numbers when looking at the time, but you know, sometimes you just kind of get into the groove of things (or so you think) and you feel like it only matters what the last two numbers say. If they say :35 when we leave our house, we're good. If they say :55 when we leave, not good, etc...etc...

Sure enough, when we went back for a second time (This time we were there at :49 :)), everyone was there 10 minutes early. Ready to work!

So...there you have it. You do not have a bunch of slackers working for you. Just one...over-achiever...I guess.

Hope you have a good trip,


Dear sister,

Remember the times where you loved school and went an entire year without any absences or tardies? Also, during that same year, do you remember one time when I went to Utah to visit family and you wouldn't go because you would've had to miss a half day at school? I do. What a good example that was.

Do you also remember the times that I took advantage of your good example and I would come home from work really late and set your alarm to go off within 5 minutes so I could watch you jump up, freak out that you were late for school, get dressed really fast, and fly down the stairs? lol I remember that too.

Sorry I did that. I realize now it's no fun waking up at 2 in the morning and thinking you are late for something you try so hard to never be late for.

I wanted to write you a letter and let you know that after today, I believe in Karma. It took a few years to catch up to me, and it happened in a different way (no one set my alarm to a crazy hour, and it was Trav that needed to be to work, and not me) but it happened. That's all that matters, right? I was definitely up way early this morning, when I didn't even have to be.

Love you.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

2nd Annual PCCEP (Pumpkincarvingchilieatingparty)

All 10 of em! ( I couldn't get a good single of yours Kass :( But it looks beautiful in this picture :) )

Alexis's scary night scene!

Alexis finishing up her pumkin! It was VERY detailed!

Katie's freehand toothless grandpa pumpkin. We love him.

Megan's freehand witch.

Heather's (Megan's friend) freehand lady punkin.

Katie's second one. (Pattern this time)

Levi's pumpkin "Jack"

Harley's kitty!

My little monster buddy!

Harley pokin' away!

Auntie Tammy made some delicious pumpkin seeds out of the goop we put into the bowl!

Working hard!...Katie and Kyle are so fascinated with something over there. Maybe Megan's mad pumpkin carving skills?

The pumkin carving "station"

Hard at work!

Pose for a pic! Katie...! The camera is over here!

There we go!! Except for we only get one smile from Harley! He's not a fan of multiple smiling pictures back to back!

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