Meet my cousin Megan:

You may recognize her from a recent post where she was introduced through this picture.

Now that we're all aquainted, I have a story that I'm going to put here because I never, ever want to forget it's cuteness. Also Megan, I am holding you to your word. We'll see if you follow through.
Anyway, Alexis (Megan's older sister, my cousin) and I work together and were talking today. Talking about taking pictures, and scrapbooking, and drawing, and art all shapes and sizes. We both agreed that we are down for any type of art unless it comes to hand drawing. That my friends, is out of the picture. Unless it is Megan's hand drawing. Yes, my 12 year old cousin could knock your socks off with her hand drawings.
She is all sorts of into crafts and scrapbooking and decorating and re-arranging her room already and I am so excited about it! I know that every time I go to their house, her room is always freshly re-arranged and so organized!! I don't know what is better than a cousin who would sit and scrapbook all day while watching HGTV with you.
Alexis and I talking about this today reminded me of one time where Trav and I had just moved into a small apartment and my Aunt and her family came over to visit and see the place. They walked in, and this is the first thing you see:

--If you look closely, you can see that the wall with the diamonds on it does not connect all the way to the ceiling, leaving room to put stuff up there. I chose to put vines.
Megan looked at that first thing and said "Oh man!! I hope I have that in my house when I get my own place! I would put stuffed animals up there, arranged perfectly!"
It was absolutely adorable :)
Lex and I were talking about this story and this was her response
--"megan is the devil"...typical older sister response.
"Why?" I ask in disbelief.
"haha because she gets mad at me for no reason like she wouldnt get out of my room last night cause she wanted to annoy me and so I was like megan get out of my room and she stood there with one foot in my room and one foot out of my room and I kept yelling at her and then I got up out of my bed and went over to like push her and she ran and then came back and stood right outside my door and was like alexis....giggle giggle....look im not in your room!" "and I was like oh my jesus i am going to kill you"...haha again, typical older sister response.
I'm assuming this was
not Alexis's reaction to Megan, although it
is one of my favorite pictures-

Her response (for 2 seconds) made me miss living with my sister. Our poor mom. We were probably slightly less than desirable, with many moments like this!!