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Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Sunday, November 22, 2009

So very thankful for.....

My football team! The Vikings have definitely struggled in the past, in fact in previous years where we were like 5-4...we were doing pretty well. THIS year, however, things have changed! We have a great quarterback (Favre) who has done an exceptional job this year! The other great thing is it's not even all owed to Favre...THE ENTIRE TEAM HAS BEEN FANTASTIC this year!! :) I've very much enjoyed watching all of the games, and I'm so happy about the 9-1 record!! WOOT!! Go Vikes!!

(P.S. Sorry, I skipped a few "I'm thankful for..." posts because we were up in Price, Utah visiting Trav's family. I'll catch up soon, promise!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very cute page. gay blogs. i feel like you couldnt think of anything to blog about so you blogged about two things you recently have already blogged about. vikes and spiders. c mon..just write a blog saying how thankful you are for your issssssy!

its snowing outside right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t!

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