Travis and I have started having "Pumpkin Carving Competitions" haha. Yes, I know we are no longer 5 however, 1) our competitiveness + 2) My love of decorating for the season = us having a good time carving pumpkins each year. Last years story- So, last year Travis won the pumkin carving contest only because he got first pick at the patterns and duh, he picked the coolest pattern therefore some random trick or treaters that we asked are naturally going to vote for the coolest picture, and not who's got the skills. Anyway, yes. Travis won last year.
This years story- we aren't going to be home for Halloween this year so we made his brother and his brother's girlfriend vote on the pumpkins. His brother's vote didn't really count and his girlfriend liked mine better so I win this year haha. (For the record, I got first pick this year. Hopefully he will forget that by the time next year comes around so I can pick first again:))
Anyway, we had tons of fun! Here are pictures of the final products! *Sorry some of them didnt turn out very well. I was trying to figure out having the porch light on with flash, or having one of them off and then taking the picture. I still dont think I figured the lighting situation out, but you get the point.
Also, if you would like, comment on your favorite pumkin. Personally, I like the witch ;)

Trav's pumpkin all lit up!

3 of the pumpkins all finished...kind of hard to see. Sorry!

Trav's with the lights off!

and the WINNER this year :) pumpkin

My pumpkin lit up