This time of the year is the greatest. In fact, the other day I was just telling Travis how excited I was for all of the Corn Maze's, Pumpkin Carving, and Haunted Houses when I realized there was one slight problem.
October is already half over!
*AND* I will be in Idaho next weekend, *and* Halloween is the weekend after that!!
Where September and October have gone..I'm not quite sure.
I decided we better jump on these fall/halloween festivities before we miss the boat!
So, Friday we (Trav, Me, AK, Devan, Kelly, and Nirvana) ventured to the first (and hopefully not last) Corn Maze of the year!
The Crazy Corn Maze in Sandy was so much fun last year that we decided to go there this time, too!

As always, we had fun navigating through the Corn Maze. We took AK's Corn Maze virginity. That was awesome! Everyone was one hundred percent sure (thought they knew) of the way we were going to find our way out of the maze, so it was interesting having 6 leaders. Thanks to "G" (GPS) (Love you Grandma :)), Devan's killer navigational skills, and my patience explaining to everyone that "Yes, we are headed back to the beginning. Yes, we are on the right track. Again, the entrance is 5 feet away from the exit." we found our way out!
We even scored a few shortcut paths.
So, that was nice.
Except for it felt like you were walking on two parts of where the earth has split itself. Very awkward walking.
But they worked, and we're officially pros.
Oh yeah...and thanks to an app (of course). The flashlight outshined (?) Trav's treasured flashlight, so that was sweet!

Stopped for a couple of cute pictures!

And then it (unfortunately...but fortunately) was time for the Haunted Portion! Advertised this year as "3x bigger, and better!"
I'm not quite sure if I agree with the better part, but the bigger part was definitely true. They included a short walk through another corn maze, which was kind of nice. I wish there would have been more *"Boogey Woogey Woogey" men though. The chainsaw was stinky toward the end, which sent my heart to the floor and gave me enough butterflies to basically lift me off of the ground. I was really fortunate this year, actually. Instinct told me to trade Travis spots just at the right time, and it just so happened as we switched sides, chainsaw dude was on his side! Score!! ..I still had to remind myself to breathe after we'd passed him though. I really, really, really don't like chainsaws or the men/women who run them. I think that's a horrible addition to the Haunted House, but then again, the adrenaline rush is sort of fun.
I'm a big baby when it comes to Haunted Houses, but they are still a must!! Speaking of being a big baby, I almost peed my pants! We were walking through the non-scary maze part, when I decided to look to my left into the corn thinking about how much cooler it would be if people jumped out from the corn, but no such luck yet. Anyways, so I look to the left and notice something. Something that doesn't look like corn, or a stalk, but doesn't really look scary. Just sort of curiosity provoking. So, I say "Hey guys, what do you think this.." at which point a very mean, scary man jumped out from the corn, and scared the bejebus out of me. I hope he did not pee his pants from laughing too hard. Wait...actually, I hope he did pee his pants. That's what he gets!
*Nirvana came with us and she calls the monsters the Bogey Wogey Wogey man. It's adorable. Another thing that's adorable is how she is 3 and we both screamed about the same amount throughout the Haunted House (which was a lot). Okay. That's not really adorable. I'm a baby.
Before the Corn Maze adventure, Devan, Kelly, and Nirvana came over to our house for some dinner. It had been a few months since I've seen Nirvana and one of the first questions she asked me was "Where's your sister?" we had a short conversation about my sister, which ended in me telling her that she didn't have any toys for her to play with, and yes she can watch Scooby Doo in her room. I thought it was fascinating though, that she knew, and remembered my sister after only meeting her once or twice.
And then my Aunt came over and this was their conversation:
AK: Hi, I'm Kristine! What's your name?
Nirvana: Nirvana, but where's your sister?
AK: My sister? Well, she's at home. Do you have a sister?
Nirvana:, but I got friends.

What a cutie!! Although, I still don't get the sister thing.
After the Maze/Haunted Maze we enjoyed (finished off the) fresh hot donuts, and (took the last) carmel apple. The people in line behind us totally loved us.

1 comment:
LoL! Fun!! I HATE haunted houses, too, lol... I never go. How sad, lol.
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