A few months back I was at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma had just brought in the mail and handed me a flyer. It was my very first coupon flyer from Wendover, where I had finally earned my free room Sunday through Thursday. (Exciting, I know) Grandma and Auntie Kristine also got one that day, so a trip was definitely in order.
At this point, we didn't know about Grandma's cancer. As far as we knew, she'd been saved by a miracle surgery where the cancer was taken completely out. We planned a trip to Wendover a few Thursdays away.
Fast forward a week, and our family was presented with the worst news a family could ever receive. Grandma's cancer had come back and now we had the Dr's estimate of Grandma's time left with us thrown at our face like a ton of bricks.
Plans were canceled, switched, moved, and remade to arrange for family to come and visit.
The Wendover trip was pushed to the 29th of August and as much as we all tried to make time go as slow as possible, and not wish for a fast tomorrow while trying hard to keep what was so heavy on our minds to the side so we could enjoy our time together, we were excited for this upcoming date.
Uncle Billy came down for a visit and we had a great time. (See previous post)
Auntie Kristine finally came home, with no return date. (Something we've all wanted for over 5 years)
Grandma just kept talking about how excited she was for our Wendover trip. I remember one day specifically where she'd mentioned it four times. She was so excited to get away, and forget about everything. Live in the moment.
So, Wendover came. Auntie Kristine brought down an electric scooter/chair type thing, and we brought that for Grandma. For the first time in almost months, she was able to do what she wanted, when she wanted. At first, it took some getting used to with all of the buttons and switches, and levers...but by the end of the first night, Grandma was a pro. You could see the joy glowing from every part of her body.
She started out slow, and by the end of the night sped up so fast that she was looking back (while driving!! :S) telling us to catch up!
She would stop and mess with about 6 buttons to get things just the way they needed to be when she stopped. (She was all about saving the battery)
She would even notify passerbys that she was "New to this" when they would join us in the elevator.
She absolutely loved the cart, and so did we.
Since we were there on a Thursday night, the casino was pretty bare, which was perfect. We had the run of the place, so we all stuck together. Grandma found her favorite slot machine, and we played around her.
We stayed up until 12:30 that morning, enjoying life...and the wonderful pleasure of each others company.
At one point, I was playing a nickel machine next to Grandma and some guy walked up next to me and sat down, starting a conversation. I answered with short answers, mostly minding my own business. After about 5 minutes, Grandma came zipping over and said "C'mon, let's go play these over here."
Thank God! Saved by the Grandma.
This is something she's famous for. Always watching out for everyone else.
The night ended, and Auntie Tammy took Grandma up to the room to go to sleep. Auntie Kristine and I decided then to play some poker. Grandma gave us each 50 dollars that night, and I saved mine for poker. It was special to me, and I wanted to see if I could stretch it. Well, stretch it is just what I did. That 50 dollars turned in to 1600. The most I've ever made playing poker. (We won't talk about the end result on this post...because it doesn't matter) What truly matters is how unbelievably grateful I am to have had this weekend with Grandma. I would have never guessed it in a million years, but this perfect weekend, would be the last weekend I'd ever spend with my Grandma. (I will be posting specifically about that later.)
Friday came and it was time to go home. Grandma didn't want to go home. We were having fun, and the worries had subsided. Auntie Kristine and I worked our magic at the poker tables (She came home with 800 dollars!!) and we were able to score a room for two more nights. If we wanted, we could have stayed the whole weekend. We stayed Friday night, and left early Saturday morning.
The drive home was quiet. Sleeping off and on, we were able to enjoy a sun rise (which I haven't seen in a very long time.) It was a beautiful way to end such a perfect weekend.
I will cherish this weekend for the rest of my life and I would give anything to have just one more, exactly like it.
Oh, how I wish that was a possibility.
Grandma was the first person to ever take me to Wendover, and I was there for her last trip to Wendover. Who would have ever known this place would hold such a special place in my heart. I am so thankful for that weekend in Wendover.
And gosh dang it. I miss my Grandma.

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nice story
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