Okay, so yesterday was wonderful. Work flew by. I had to run to Best Buy after work, but we'll skip the story because that was the only not wonderful thing about yesterday. Met Trav and Kassi at Grandpa's, and Auntie Kristine was cooking tacos. De-lish. Megan was there, working on some homework from school. (somehow I find joy when the kids have to go back to school. It's pure jealousy. Summer vacations are overrated.) We ate with the doors and windows open, and the breeze felt wonderful. After we cleaned up, Auntie Kristine, Megan, and I took a trip to Hobby Lobby (weakness). Megan had a notebook for Biology that she needed to decorate for a grade, so we had fun picking out stuff to decorate. On the way home, we stopped for some Have It Your Way frozen yogurt. Auntie Kristine spotted a baseball on the side-ish of the road and said it would be a good idea to throw it back into the field. Jessica was nomitated, and humiliated. Apparently the "field" was a littler further than I'd anticipated. Got home and made the cutest Biology notebooke possible. Dropped Megan off, and went home to bed.
Just a simple day with the fam, but sometimes those are the absolute best.
Speaking of yesterday, and it's perfectness...the weather reminded me of someone, and his name is Fall, and I miss him dearly.
Is anyone else as excited as I am about this up and coming (almost here!!!) season?
If yesterday wasn't a very solid reminder that it's just around the corner, I'm not sure what else could have been.
In fact, it was yesterday that reminded me *all day long* that it was time to go and get the Fall stuff out of the storage and let the fun begin!
(I know it's still a *tad* early, but I'm totally the proud owner of the house that you walk into from the hot, hot summer sun...and feel like you're in the dead middle of fall. Don't judge.)
How can I wait though??? I feel like a little kid at Christmas time. I can't pass up the home-y feeling that fall brings. The leaves. The smells. The crisp air. Football. Sweaters. Wubbies. --Even better...Grandma-made Minnesota VIKINGS Wubbies! The Holiday season. The opportunity to take tons and tons of pictures and they all turn out wonderful because everything is so beautiful. Raking leaves. Rolling in the leaves. And the colors.
Nope. I will never be able to contain excitement for this fine time of the year.
And yesterday, come back!! More please!!

1 comment:
yay!!!! I am SO ready for Fall! And tomorrow will be September so it is totally fine to start decorating! I am so glad that I am not the only one who is so in love with the season!
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