A long, long time ago I was introduced to one of my favorite things in the world.
It’s called “Wink”
No, not the kind of “wink” that I only try to perfect when no one is looking. (You should be glad I only try this when I’m by myself because let’s just say...I’m not a good winker and you would probably think something is seriously wrong with my face.)
Anyway, it’s the AVON perfume, Wink.
I used to be the happiest Jessica in the world because my little AVON lady would have my next bottle of Wink ready for me, whenever I needed it.
Then I became the saddest Jessica in the world because I went to tell said little AVON lady I was out and she informed me that she couldn’t get anymore, because AVON discontinued it. Um, hello?? AVON, what were you thinking??? I bought enough of that crap to support you for ever, and ever, and ever. Stupid decision.
Then, once again, I became the happiest girl in the world because I found a store called AVON! It was located in a *ghetto* nice little indoor Swapmeet.
By this time, Kassi had jumped onto the Wink bandwagon so I called her up and told her the good news.
Then I became the saddest Jessica in the world once again because apparently this Swapmeet/AVON store didn’t actually have any new bottles of Wink…they just decided it would be a fanfreekintastic idea to display the tester bottle, and then watch the look on peoples faces when they decide they love it and want their own bottle, and I also think they like to watch people (my sister and I) fight over who gets to buy the tester bottle (which P.S. I totally won that battle). Whatever the reason is, I think it’s mean.
Anyways so, I’m hoping this is where the whole "People from all over reading my blog" thing comes handy.
Here’s what I’m thinking…If anyone reading my blog can find me a bottle of Wink, let me know. I will buy it, no battle. Then I would probably love you so much that I would buy you a bottle too! It would be a super deal, so check it out, tell your friends and let this sad girl know!

i handed that bottle over to you. tis the season to be jolly and i didn't want to argue in front of the people in the store...sometimes you just have to walk away and "be the bigger person" ;)
Where is the world is this store?? You know all three of us must go together because we are addicted. and I haven't smelled it in about 5 years!!! :( Oh wink... how I love you
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