When I found out I was going to Alabama, one of my very first thoughts (besides palm trees) was fishing. I absolutely love to fish, so you can imagine how excited I was knowing I was going to be next to water with all different kinds of fish. Fish that I've never even seen before. I was so anxious.
So, to start out day 2...we went fishing!!

At first we fished off of the pier in Fairhope. (About a mile away from my Aunt's house.) The weather was not really the greatest. It was super windy, and sort of later in the morning, so the fish weren't biting.
Determined to show me an *Alabama* fish, we picked up and went to another spot. We were on a mission!
At the second spot (a few docks down), the luck wasn't any better. We did however see a friendly little man on a motorized wheelchair cart. He'd come and talked to us while we were at the first spot, and then he'd made his way down to spot number 2 in the meantime. So, we got out and asked if the fishing was any better at this spot, and found out that it wasn't. He did tell us a pretty cool story though. He said that on this dock, there is usually a Pellican. One that was hurt when hurricane Katrina came through. He said that lots of the locals know about him. They've named him Henry, and they bring him food because he's not able to fly very well anymore.
At the time he was telling us, it was just a story. I'd tried to picture what Henry looked like, but I really wanted to see him!
Lucky for us, a few minutes later...in flew Henry!!

He stayed for a little bit, let me grab some pictures of him, and then was on his merry little way.
As were we.
We got in the car, and tried one last place. "Fish River" at Weeks Bay. I mean if there were fish anywhere..it would have to be fish river, right?!

*Right!!!* It was at this place that AK pulled this beauty out of the water!!! They weren't super excited about it because it's "just a flounder" but I couldn't really contain my excitement...I mean, this "flounder" is totally the fish on Finding Nemo with 2 eyes on one side and *none* on the other side (See exhibit B). It's completely flat, and if I wasn't obsessed with Finding Nemo, I could honestly say that I've never seen anything like it in my life!! It was awesome!
They said it was pretty rare to catch a flounder out of this river because they generally sit at the bottom and you have to use a jig to tap them on the side because it's not like the swim through the water, and can actually see the food. It was sort of a hit and miss type thing. It was fate. I had to see an Alabama fish!! Plus, if you look at exhibit a, you'll see that apparently this little guy was starving. He tried to put his teeny tiny mouth on a not so teeny tiny piece of shrimp. Way to take it like a champ Mr. Flounder. It was worth the sight of you.

After fishing, the plan was to go back home and shower/get ready for the day. That soon changed when I realized we were only about 30-45 minutes away from Gulf Shores. (The beach town that we'd stopped at on the first day) I begged and begged to just keep on heading that way, and make our way back to Gulf Shores to see the beach just one more time. (Just kidding...I didn't really have to beg. AK was pretty much like hey..this is your time, we'll do whatever you want. It was so great. Thank you AK :))
Soooo...back at Lulu's we were. For some crazy reason...I put my butt in the butt bucket. For picture purposes I guess. I did put a fresh layer of sand in there though, before my bum came anywhere near the bucket!

Lulu's has the most amazing, neverending sandpit behind the restaurant. I so love this place!!

I played with the sand as long as I possibly could. It was so fun to just relax, and play in the sand. No worries. No stress. ...Well...it was kinda stressfull when my sand castle collapsed. Turns out you have to mix a little bit of water with the sand in order to build. So technical.

We took a few pictures on some ginormous chairs.

Played a little ring game.

Played in the sand a little more...

And then we left. We were all starving, so we went down the road (still in Gulf Shores) to get some grub at a place called *The Hangout*

And oh man!! I thought I loved Lulu's!!!!
The Hangout was just as wonderful!! Instead of a neverending sand pit, they had a *beach* behind their restaurant.

Actually...the beach was more to the side of the restaurant. So, as we were eating, we were watching the parasailers. It was crazy windy that day, and this one dude was catching some mad air!!
After we ate, we of course couldnt leave until we went to the beach. I wanted to bring some sand and seashells home.
So, we seashell hunted. Which for me only lasted about 2 minutes. I was so distracted by drawing in the sand...

And feeling the sand between my toes (my favorite!!!)

And learning about how the oil spill is still in full effect...and actually seeing that on the shells...

And taking pictures...

And chasing waves. (Yes, the water was freezing. No, I didn't care.)

I couldn't get enough of the whole feet in the sand/water thing. And I sooo miss that.

It's unfortunate that it was so cold and windy. I could have stayed at the beach allll day!!
I was happy to see that rollerblading on the beach is prohibited, though. I was super worried about someone trying to perfect that sport. Thanks beach rules. You probably save lots of lives.

At first I started with just my feet in the water. Then I wanted to walk in a little more, so I rolled up my pant legs. Then AK wanted to take my picture...I turned around (back against the waves) and a huge wave washed up against me. The result was an "Oh, well...already wet...might as well keep playing" attitude, and some very wet pants, necessary of changing.

The hangout had the raddest decorations! They had a wall full of old school lunch boxes, and this wall with pez dispensers!!! So great!

Then it was time to beat the storm, and head home. Thank *you* Gulf Shores. You were beautifully wonderful!!

To end the perfect second day of my vacation, we got ready (finally around 8ish), and went to a local bar to play some poker. I do have to say that Alabama "poker" is like nothing I've ever played before...but it was fun, and friendly (for the most part. ;))

We couldn't call it a night without pictures (basically a photoshoot) by the famous fairhope clock, so that's what we did.

It was another very, very busy, packed tight day but every single bit of it was worth it!! It was packed full of good times, and great memories!!
Tomorrow we'd wake up bright and early, and head to "Nawlins".

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