Saturday night I stayed up really late.

Making sure everything was just perfect for the next day. The day where we'd celebrate the birth of baby Blake, brought to us by Otto and Carlie!

I had so much fun picking out outfits and gifts for this little guy.
It melted my heart to see him wearing (and sort of fitting into) my favorite outfit. --Totally wears it like a champ.

We each did our part to help out with the party..Kass and I were in charge of the games, Megan made the most delicious cake ever! Camille made an *amazing* diaper cake! (basically a pro) Kristy had some yummy treats ready, and Carlie was able to provide *most* of the entertainment. Her show and tell was the best of the day by far!

Blake was so stoked for this shower that blessed us with his presence 6 weeks early. He was able to be passed around about every 5 minutes. Lucky little guy.

I doubt this is a biased opinion..but aren't these the most precious stubby fingers you've ever seen?!

Thought so.
The turnout was wonderful! Carlie and Otto received lots of much needed stuff including but not limited to a stroller/carseat combo (Grandpa and Auntie Kristine), clothes (basically everyone), Diaper Genie (Camille), diapers, wipes, bath stuff (everyone), walkers, crib sheets, customized blankets/burp pads (Auntie Tammy/Grandma), Personalized letter set (Favorite Aunt Jess), bottle toppers, jammies, socks/washrags/onesies/Winnie the Pooh outfit (Kass), beanies, knitted sweaters, baby monitor (Jessi), and I know there was so much more but I was a little distracted by the 5 lb of goodness laying in my arms.

Games turned out to be really fun! We played 5 games. Our champions were Alexis, Jessi, Carlie, Kristy, and Auntie Tammy!

Isn't this the yummiest picture you've ever seen?

Well what about this one? What if I throw it into the mix?

I agree. It's too hard to choose. He's so precious.

Everyone took their turns holding him, but I think Grandma held him for the longest. He was so content and comfy snuggled up in something she was able to create for him. It fit him just perfect, and I know she's proud.

Here we are. Kassi and I, just being Aunts 'n stuff. Trying to perfect our newly aquired title.
So far on my Aunt "to do" list I can cross of 2 things:
Feed my nephew.
Change his bum.
Dear Blake,
You're one loved little guy. You're probably still too little to be able to tell right now, but you'll know soon enough. I can't wait to take you out on play dates to the aquarium, shopping, and to the zoo. I'll be nice for now, and push "cheek pinching" to a later date down the road...but don't worry, it will come with time. For now, I'll just kiss your little cheeks. I will have you know though, if you don't wake up for me a little more..cheek pinching will come a little sooner than you're going to want. So, please work on that.
We all love you, and couldn't be more happy about you being here with us.
I love you,
*Aunt* Jess.

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