Modest Mouse opened up for this years "Twilight Concert Series"

Being that they are my favorite band, I had some mixed feelings about this.

Of *course* I was so excited, because any time Isaac is playing 2 feet away from me is good times...

But, the show was free.

I mean...kudos to Isaac for playing at the park in front of 40.000 people and not making as much as he would if it were a paid show.

But I knew there would be so, so, so many people there. I was right. There were 40,000! Although I wish he would have played a show the next night where people would have to pay to see, I really enjoyed the show. I didn't take my camera in this time, since it was my third time seeing Modest, but I couldn't help from snapping a few (lots) of pictures of some of my favorite people, ever.
Paper Thin Walls
Fire It Up
3rd Planet
Here It Comes
King Rat
The Devil's Workday
Bury Me With It
Blame it on the Tetons--Always been a favorite played live.
Dance Hall
Here's to Now--Ugly Casanova
Fly Trapped In a Jar
Float On--First time I've ever seen them play this song. Probably because they were in front of a crowd where 95 percent of the people only knew and were chanting for this song. Oh well, it was still very enjoyable.
Parting of the Sensory--Definitely one of my favorite songs.
Gravity Rides Everything--Favorite song of the night.
The View
Satin in a Coffin
Spitting Venom
...Pure bliss...

1 comment:
Oh... I get it.. You're retarded.
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