Yesterday Trav and I took our nephew to the Living Planet Aquarium to see "Me-mo" (Nemo).
Before our adventure, Keenan showed me a few of the many faces he is able to make.

Going to the aquarium, I thought, would be the perfect opportunity to get some cool pictures of fish, and Keenan, and Trav, and anything else I saw!
I was wrong.
Apparently taking a 2 year old to the aquarium doesn't equal good pictures. Some of them turned out really good, some turned out blurry, but will have to work, and some of them Trav took while I was holding Keenan. He wasn't a fan of the stroller and definitely wasn't a fan of walking!! We still had a good time though! It was so cute to see him get so excited over the "fi-SHEEEZ"
He kept saying "Wowww" and "Whoooahh" and "Cooool" it was absolutely adorable!!

Keenan only looked at the Jellyfish for about 2 seconds so Trav held him while I got a few pictures. I could sit and watch Jellyfish for days! I love 'em! They had lights that would change colors so it looked like the Jellyfish were changing colors. --I might have thought they were the coolest Jellyfish ever because they "changed colors" but I won't admit to anything.

Once we found the tank with Me-Mo, Keenan was in heaven!! He was so amazed to be so close to Nemo!! He sat there and just watched him for a good 5 minutes, which is a looooooong time for a two year old!

Unfortunately the water to touch the Sting Ray's was so deep that Keenan would have to jump completely in to touch one. He was however, perfectly content with touching the water after watching Trav touch a Sting Ray.

On the way home we played "Where's Keenan?" If you can't tell, he loves that game. We played it at least 53 times.

These stages took place in about 10 minutes. He was exhausted!!

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