Well we finally had a weekend where the weather wasn't cold and rainy so we went camping with Trav's family (Dad, Mom, Brother, Sister, Nephew's, and Nieces). My sister Kassi came along this time too, which I think is actually her first time camping with us, so that was really nice! I took lots of (but not enough) pictures, as always! Enjoy..and look forward to more during this next week...we're going camping again this weekend!! Woohoo!
When we first got there, someone (genius) showed the kids how to throw rocks into the lake. They were occupied with this for about 2 hours! Then on Sunday when we were packing up, it kept them busy again, so that was awesome!
I know it's one of the most popular things to take a picture of, but I enjoy taking pictures of the sunset on the water, it's so unbelievably pretty!
Pictures from the drive up (we went to Scofield in Price, Utah) and some from the trip.
Trav's dad brought his boat but for the most part, we played on the shore. Tyler was SO excited to catch a fish. He kept saying over and over that "He just caught 4 fish last weekend, and was really good at it!"...He ended up catching the biggest fish this weekend, so he was pretty stoked about that!
With the little fire that we were able to make (Scofield has close to nothing for wood), Duane needed to retire an old American Flag. That was pretty cool. I'd never seen that done before. Some of the pictures turned out really good! I love the Stars one.
I can't wait for this weekend, we're going up into the Uintah's, where we usually go, and it's soooo pretty up there!! The fishing is fantastic, too!! I'll be back later to post some pics of this weekend. Trav was in his cousin's wedding last weekend as well and I need to get pics up from that. AND, my garden is starting to look more like a garden! My plants are growing and I need to update! Coming soon, I promise!! Dang it! I'm so behind!!
Have a fantastic weekend!

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