We started Christmas a little early this year. Trav, Trey, and I did our Christmas on Christmas Eve (Mainly because the suspense was killing me..) Also, because it was hard to keep Trey's treats from him any longer! He enjoyed his new toys, and still has his bones. I don't know what it is with him. One bone lasts a few months, lol...

Christmas Morning Kass and I woke up early and started at Mom's house. Levi got a bike, and a 360!! Lucky duck! Next, we went to Dad's, and finally to Grandpa Wootens.
It's still a very hard adjustment (and still hard to believe) to not have Grandma there. She would have been proud of us though, we did it. Everything was great. The food, the family time, giving presents, the games. Everything. We love and miss her sooo much, and wish she was still with us. We are however, extremely thankful that we did have the time we had with her. The memories are something that each one of us have. She was a special lady, and has a special place in the heart of every person she ever met.

Catch Phrase was one of the games we played this year. It's a must each time we sit down to play games!! Some of the others this year were Scattegories, Pit, WhoWhatWhy, and Last Word. We love our fair share of games!!

There was plenty of help needed this year. Christmas came sooo quickly, and I was about 7 states away from Utah (with my Aunt--Pictures coming very soon!) just a couple short weeks before Christmas!! That meant when we got back, there was lots of shopping, and wrapping to do!!
Kassi even did her part, wrapping until she was blue (red) in the face!!

We managed to get everything all done, and as always everything turned out wonderfully!

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas this year!!

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