..Still going through my vacation pictures..
I went to The Wood Connection the other day and picked out these adorable letters!! I made this, and now I'm working on xoxo. The best part about that whole ordeal is the fact that it's a wood shop. They just happened to be fresh out of the "O" that I needed. Instead of me waiting for the next "shipment" to come in, the kind man went to the back of the shop, and cut me some O's within about 5 minutes. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me!! Love it!

A week or so ago, I decided I'd start to build up an inventory, so I bought some words to stock up. I wanted to work on them a little each night. As it turns out though, this is still what "Home" looks like. I got another order early this week that I've been busting out, and I had to hurry and finish the Valentine's Day letter set before the season passes! Maybe one day I'll be able to casually work on "home".

I ordered some earrings from Etsy so I could see how they were shipped out, if the lady sent business cards, how the pictures compared to the actual product, etc...And well...it turns out that my picture (below), looks a little (lot) more like the actual product than hers did. I was actually *so* excited to purchase these earrings. I thought the little rock piece was going to be bigger than a quarter. In reality, they're smaller than dimes. :( Oh well though...I'll still sport them. It's just crazy how pictures can be so deceiving!

My little guy always sits in the most relaxed positions, and I love, love, love it. So much that I have 34389 pictures of him sitting in the same position. It never gets old! This one, however, is one that we've never seen before. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. We are so lucky to have this little guy as our doggie.

My sister went to her first Opera performance (Hansel and Gretel), and she looked so beautiful!! A good friend took her, and they had a wonderful time. I asked her how it was when she got home and she said "It really was just like the movies...the whole time it's like Oooohhhhhhh...AAAhhhhhhh.....OOoooooo..." (Sung in her best singing voice).

I ordered this case for my phone a few weeks ago. It was from a site where you can create and submit any design, or use designs that other people have uploaded. You stretch it, resize it, and position it to get the perfect look! I love how it turned out!!

So, remember my first sale? Well, I got my second one and they want the exact same thing! So, I've started making this again. :) It will be slightly different as they want theirs connected! I'll post pictures when I get it all done! I'm excited to finish it tonight!

We were at the store the other day, and Kassi noticed the "Make your own jewlery" section. She was overly excited! "Jess!! Let's get these, and make our own earrings!!" I agreed, so we purchased a few to give it a shot. Once we got home, the mood changed a little. Kass decided she didn't want "us" to make our own earrings...she wanted "me" to make "us" some earrings. So that's just what I did! We love how they turned out, and I can't wait until "we" can make some more!!

And, last but *soooooooooo* not least. I officially have a new home for all of my crafts!!!! Yesterday my Aunt and I met with the booth coordinator at *The Quilted Bear* in our local town, and she totally loves our stuff!!!!! Our booth will be ready mid-February, and we'll be in business. Literally. The Quilted Bear is a store that I've admired for so long. It's for handmade crafts (sort of like Etsy in real life, I guess), and it's one of those stores you can get lost in. I've spent so much time there, and I cannot believe that now I'll be spending more...not because I'll be shopping, but because I'll be *stocking*!! I cannot wait!! I'll definitely post pictures once we get everything all set up!
(This picture is one of the locations about a half an hour away. You can kind of see what the inside is like though.)