*Woke up to a HUGE card, and the Ugly Stik (fishing pole)that I've wanted for a really, really long time-laying next to me. (If you read my last post, you now know that I was right. :) If not, go read it, and then you'll know that I was right!)
*Went into the living room and said "Told you"
*Laughed at Trav's adorable smile and blushed cheeks.
*Decided we were hungry, so I made pork chops and eggs for breakfast.
*Played a little Call of Duty.
*Discovered that we can listen to Pandora through the PS3, and fell even more in love.
*Talked about what we wanted to do later on.
*Watched the new Office--Valentine's Day episode.
*Made him watch last week's American Idol with me.
*Scrubbed the bathroom from top to bottom while he played Call of Duty. (That's love)
*Got ready.
*Went to dinner at our favorite little Mexican restaurant.
*Went to see Avatar 3D at the IMAX (huge screen)
*Played some more Call of Duty.
*It was the perfect day.

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