Speaking of getting a little too festive, I decorated my house for fall during like the first week of September, lol. It didn't feel right sometimes walking in from it being so HOT outside to our house that was all fally decorated, but it is getting better and I was just SO anxious!! I made the mistake of going to Roberts one weekend and seen TONS of little fall decorations that I needed to have! So yeah, I'm all ready for it! I just need to get some Halloween decorations pretty soon! They have some really, really cute ones at Michaels, Roberts, and even Ross!
Here are some pictures of fall so far!
-We went to Jordanelle last weekend to go fishing and it was such a nice day!! The water was so calm!
-This was on our way up, through the window of the car, with Travis taking the picture. That should explain it :) ...you can still kinda see all the pretty colors though!
-My favotire decoration. I felt bad at the time I bought it because there was a lady there with her husband and they were looking at it too. She said to him "Oh, this is adorable. We will definitely have to come back and get this when it is on sale." Although I should have thought more like her, I put it in my cart and continued to shop.
-I love all of the colors in this picture!
-Proof of the nice day. :)
-On our way up there...again, through the window of the car with Trav taking the pic.
-My cute little pumpkin decoration.

-Some more of the fall decor at home.
-The pictures don't do justice. It is SO pretty in the mountains right now!
...I started filling this out yesterday and just finished it this morning. It will make for a LONG post but I didnt want to do two seperate posts today so here it is! A high school survey.
I stole this from Laura :) ... enjoy!
Your High School's full name: Oakley Jr/Sr High (That's right...it was 7th-12 grade in one school!)
School Colors: Red, Black, and White!
School Mascot: Hornets
Did you date anyone from your school? Not really.
It's Friday night where are you: Hanging out with friends, definitely. We were either at the football/basketball game or at someone's house, watching movies.
Were you considered a flirt: Haha, hmm...I am not sure...probably not. Not with people at my school at least.
Were you in band, orchestra, choir, or other group: Nope. I played Volleyball in Junior High and I was the secretary of our class for like 3 years, lol.
Did you ever get expelled or suspended: No, I had to go to "homework club" for missing a lot of school though!
Can you still sing the fight song: Of course!! We were very spirited!
Who were your favorite teachers: Mrs. Woodhouse and Mrs, Fehlman, hands down.
Where did you sit during lunch: It kind of depended on the day. Sometimes we went to Lysha's house, sometimes my house, sometimes Searle's, and sometimes the good old cafeteria :)
Who was your prom date? Seth Hale was for my Junior prom and MacKay Clark was for my Senior prom.
If you could go back and re-do high school would you: I miss it so much!! Not so much the homework portion, but the social aspect. I think I would go back for my Senior year if I could....As long as everyone else came back too! :)
Were you a nerd? Haha...I don't think so...
Were you on any varsity teams? No, I stopped playing sports to start working :(
Where did you go senior skip day? Hmm...I cant remember, lol...for some reason I think Me and Lysh and MacKay went to Burley, but that could have been on a different day. I cant remember. I'm sure I was somewhere with Alysha.
Have you gained some weight since then? Haven't we all?
What do you remember about Graduation: The sleepover party we had. Getting my XBox at my graduation party. Crying. Lots of crying. All of my family there. It being really, really small...and in our gym. Finally realizing that we are all going our seperate ways and that it will be very likely that I wont see very many of these people again. Also thinking that I would never have to wake up early again. Lol...how life changes :)
Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Yes!! I'm pretty sure we are having a 5 year one as well and I am planning on going to that too!
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