As you can see we've been up to lots!! These are the most recent pictures from my phone. I really hope I can put all (or most) of this stuff into separate posts because we've had some huge milestones, good times, and great stories that I'd love to keep forever! Here are the pictures though. That's a huge start!
Trav, Kass, and I went to Viva Salt Lake this year with our friends Devan, Kelli, Laci, and Chris to begin our summer concert fun!! There were quite a few bands performing this year. We were only interested in the later bands so we showed up around 6 pm to see Royal Bliss, Ed Kowalczyk (of Live!), and Fuel. I was mainly excited about Royal Bliss (we've seen them before, and they are great!) and of course Live!! We grew up listening to their stuff, so it was such a build up knowing that we were going to see him performing live! Neither band let down, either! It was such a great way to officialy welcome summer!!
After Royal Bliss played, Kass, Laci, and I went on a mission to meet Neal, and we were totally successfull! He's a badass, and I'm so glad we got to hang out with him for a little bit!
Waiting for Live to set up!
Chillin with Neal! |
Kass came out with heels and we all asked her "You're wearing heels to the show?!" Her response was "Uh..yeah..I always wear heels." --This is the result :)
Lots of graduations!! We went to 3 Graduations this year, and unfortunately missed one :(. We're so proud of everyone who graduated!! (Auntie Tammy with her Masters in Special Education, Katie--High School, Laci--High School, and Daniel--High School). The Graduations fun as Graduations can be I suppose! I will say that no matter how boring it is to sit and listen to talks and a million names...I still get chills every single time I hear a friend or family member Graduate! Such a wonderful feeling!
Auntie Kristine was a really great sister and planned an awesome, awesome surprise for Auntie Tammy's Graduation! *Uncle Mike, Uncle Tom, Auntie Boop, Auntie Pam, and Bubba all came down from California to be there when Auntie Tammy walked up to get her diploma!* We had such a wonderful time, I wish we all lived closer together so we could see each other on a weekly basis!! (Love and miss you all!!)
Idaho trip to see the bestie!!
My favorite little girl turned 2!! She's getting so big!

Birthday festivities were at the park this year with a RockStar Diva theme! (So fitting!) We hung out, ate some good BBQ, and played Catch Phrase by the fire with the fam! Presley was so adorable opening her presents--Every single present brought a HUGE smile to her face!
Baby birdies!!!
Despite the poop all over the place, these little guys were adorable!! PS..don't ask me how I got the second picture so close up without zooming. It would be embarrasing if I had to tell you that I tried to balance on the tire of my car, and in the middle of the snap fell down to the ground. Man..our neighbors should pay for the shows that I put on almost on a daily basis!
Lovin me some nephew!
He is perfect, and beautiful, and I love this little guy!! Even when he throws up on Auntie Jess. We're in the process of working on that one!
Photoshoots for mom!
I made my mom a block letter set that said "Mom" for Mother's Day! The O was a heart, and I put a picture of us on it. It turned out adorable, and our mom loved it! We had lots of fun taking pictures, too as you can see.
The hardest part is having two sisters pick a picture to give to mom to display. I don't suggest doing that anytime in the near future. Word of advice and future note to self..don't give your sister an option :)
I've been steadily busy with craft projects!! I started selling on Etsy as well as a craft store near my house, and I've shipped orders out each week for the past few months! I love it, and I started a US map where I color in each state that I've shipped to! So far I'm at 13 states!!
Fishing Trip with Grandpa!

I absolutely adore fishing, and so does my Grandpa. He actually professionally fished for quite some time when he was younger! We're in the process of making a video of our fishing trip. Hopefully I'll have it ready soon to post on here! It was one of the best days I've had in a really long time, plus we caught some nice fish!! Since then, Trav have gone back to that spot, and caught some even bigger fish!! In fact, I caught my biggest trout at that (secret) spot! (4 lbs 22 in)
It was a LOT of work this year, but we pulled through, and planted our garden! We waited way longer than last year to plant because of all of the rain we've had lately. But Trav and I manual labored it up all day! Our plants are much smaller this year, and we tried that black weed stopper stuff! I can't wait to not have any weeds to pull!!!
K, Vegas totally needs it's own post because I have a ton of pictures, and lots of stories!! We had a blast though!
Watching flowers bloom!
This is my first little bloomer for this year!! Yay for perennials!
New toy!
I bought the May 2011 Macbook Pro. She is my baby, and I totally daydream about her!